portable cxr

Chest x-ray AP positioning techniques Anteroposterior (AP) chest radiographs can be made in the intensive care unit, the operating suite, or the patient’s room using mobile equipment. They are often known as a portable film when performed with a mobile un

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  • A chest radiograph, colloquially called a chest X-ray (CXR), or chest film, is a projectio...
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  • Chest x-ray AP positioning techniques Anteroposterior (AP) chest radiographs can be made i...
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  • Looking for online definition of Portable chest x ray in the Medical Dictionary? Portable ...
    Portable chest x ray | definition of Portable chest x ray by ...
  • If you use a portable marker you do not need to mark the film AP Structures shown: Entire ...
    Portable CXR - RadVision - home
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  • 但初期血胸 本有可能其症狀在X光片上不甚明顯(尤其當時所使用者係 portable CXR,其顯像效果較一般須站立拍攝之X光機為差 ),且張源應復持續為胸痛之表示,被告陳德芳、楊佳...
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  • The portable, or bedside, chest radiograph (PCXR) remains the most commonly ordered imagin...
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